Friday 28 February 2014

Music Magazine Final

For my media music magazine I decided to do a folk inspired magazine called ‘Treble’. I originally named this magazine ‘Acoustic’ as it represents the kind of music folk music is about. After doing some research I discovered there was already a magazine named ‘Acoustic’ which led me to choose the name ‘Treble’ as I wanted to link the cover picture to the title and make it clear it was a music magazine by the title. I used a simple Treble symbol to link in with the name of the magazine and so it can be recognised by the symbol as well as the name. For my cover photo it shows a young artist ‘Song Bird’ simply looking down on an Acoustic guitar so that all focus is on the guitar and music and not focused on just the artist, by shaping the text around the photo it adds more focus on the guitar and the music. I put the photo in black and white to give it that simplistic folk feel with subtle colours; I then had to find some colours that could work with the black and white. I decided to use Pink and Blue as they showed up the best on the dark background, as well as this both colours also contrast against each other and by adding some colour to the cover it keeps that simple folk feel with it being dull and boring. I have a small banner at the top of my magazine to encourage people to enter the website and buy the magazine over others. I feel my cover would be similar to other magazine covers but would still be able to stand out with the splash of colour to attract people to it, my magazine is not aimed at a specific range of age but for people that would enjoy folk music. To attract my audience to the magazine I can link back to my picture, as the first thing to see would be the Acoustic guitar which links in with the folk music.


For my contents I have kept the same colour scheme with the black, white, pink and blue. I have set it out simply as it is not the kind of magazine I wanted to be over the top or 'in your face', I feel the simplicity matches the genre of music well. I have used Song Bird to be in the contents as well to show that another main focus of the magazine is this new uprising talent and her music. I have used two pictures showing Song Bird playing an Acoustic Piano and an Acoustic Guitar giving it an even more musical feel. I have the contents to the right side of the pictures so when your attention immediately goes to the pictures first you see the contents written next to it as your eyes will naturally read along to the right. I chose to do it like this as it gave me more room to add more information and more content pages than my previous attempt. I have set the contents out in a simple rectangle shape so as it is easy to follow and read downwards and is nothing to extreme so that it does not contradicts with the cover.


My editorial page carries on with the manuscript background and colour scheme. By keeping this throughout the magazine it makes the pages link together well, when starting this magazine I had different colours throughout and it made the magazine look messy, unprofessional and did not link at all. The title of my editorial page is a quote from Song Birds interview; I felt by putting a bold colourful quote as the title it would straight away make the reader decide whether it seems like an interesting interview to read. I have three pictures of Song Bird in black and white and as well as the manuscript background it made the pages look very bland, by adding the pink and blue splashes of colour all over the page instead of in a certain area it makes the page less boring and makes it look more inviting to read. Throughout my magazine I have used the same font except for my title ‘Treble’ which has been wrote in a different font throughout the magazine as if it is its own logo and also so people could recognise the magazine just by the title and font.


I believe my media product is similar to most other music magazines by the way it is set out with a main picture with large and small text shaped around it, however I believe it challenges other music magazines as my main picture does not show a famous celebrity posing with no link to any music, whereas my magazine is stripped back and shows that it is all about the music with the simple picture of the artist looking at her guitar rather than the camera. As well as this a lot of other folk magazines can come across as being boring and bland, I believe with my cover and the splashes of colour, picture and information it comes across as being simple yet eye-catching and not boring.

Folk music is usually stereotyped that only older people listen to it, by having Song Bird on the front as a young folk artist it shows the variety of people that actually do listen to folk music, with more and more folk artist becoming bigger and more folk songs becoming popular with all ages I think having a young artist on my cover represents the kind of social groups that in fact do listen to folk music. With folk music being a big hit because of the music and lyrics rather than the celebrity, I think having Song Bird looking down at the guitar portrays this well.

I believe my folk magazine could be distributed by ‘The living tradition’ as they specifically sell folk magazines and have a folk website. I think compared to the other folk magazines mine would be a higher seller as it is set out differently from other folk magazines, my magazine has more colour and more information on the cover showing it has a lot to offer.

When creating my magazine I discovered there was a lot of cropping and shaping involved to make the magazine look neat and in place. I ensured my background was always covered so there were no unnecessary gaps. I made two pictures fade into each other in the contents page, this was to add an effect to the page and make it look more professional and interesting rather than just having two pictures placed next to each other. I had to find the right colours to suit the background and the right fonts to make it easy to read and so it wasn’t a dull black and white throughout. For my editorial page I had to crop the picture to stay in line with the interview so as it did not look messy, I also did this for my contents, by shaping and finding the right size text to shape around the pictures.

By doing my preliminary task previously I have learnt about shaping the text to fit around pictures so the main focus instantly goes to the photo and usually from a picture people can judge whether or not it would be a magazine that they would read. I have learnt about colours and by using the colour wheel I found colours that can contrast against each other and work well together, through this I have also learnt about keeping a continuous colour scheme so as the pages link together and don’t look messy and as if they all come from different magazines. I learnt how to shape the pictures and text so as it doesn’t look blocked, which has also enabled me to learn how to make something look simple and interesting rather than dull. I was not overly happy with my school magazine as I just thought it looked boring and rushed, I didn’t think the colours were right and all the pictures were just simple squares with no colour effects or anything added to them. There was also not enough information and the fonts did not match. However from doing the school magazine It has enable me to make a lot of improvement for my music magazine and by comparing them I could see where improvement was needed.

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