Thursday 28 November 2013

Preliminary Task - School Magazine

In Media I have created a school magazine.
For my magazine I have chosen to do it specifically based on sixth form. I chose this because I think it would make students feel more independent having a school magazine for themselves rather than a school magazine to give to their parents. I chose the colours as blue, red and yellow, I did this so as the colours contrast with the Montsaye logo and to link them together. For my cover photo I had Ryan stood outside the sixth form centre smiling, this automatically shows that the students are happy and welcoming. Down the side of my magazine is all the information that will be inside the magazine.
I took my photo specifically outside the sixth form centre; therefore it is clear that this is where the sixth form is held.  I have Ryan stood closer to the camera with the sixth form centre to his right and further behind him, this is effective as you can see the students expression and so it is clear he is using the sixth form.

This is the inside of my magazine - like an advert. It shows students working in the sixth form area.

This is my contents page, it lists all the information and shows more students working in the sixth form area.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Fashion Magazine

For A level Media we had to create our own fashion magazine. I believe my magazine has a very warm feeling because of the yellow colours which could represent the sun. However, this contrasts with the fact it is a spring magazine meaning cold weather. The expression on the cover is very fun-like with flowers representing that spring feel. The colours also link in with the spring theme being pinks and yellows, as if like flowers. The yellow colour is the opposite of the pink on the colour wheel making them contrast and stand out. The title ‘Belle Fleur’ meaning ‘pretty flower’ is in a large bold font at the top of the page, showing this is the name of the magazine. Other information on the cover is in different font sizes and colours to show range and make it more eye-catching. My main target audience for my magazine is girls between 16-21.
The contents of my magazine have the same colours and theme as my cover, this shows the connection between them.

This is the advert for my magazine. After doing research I discovered a large amount of magazine advertise another brand. As a girls magazine I also found out a large amount of other girls magazines usually advertise makeup or clothes, this is where I got the idea to advertise Avon. Using the pink colours on the black background makes it stand out and give it a more girly feel.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Durdle Door

Durdle Door is a natural limestone arch on the Jurassic Coast near Lulworth in Dorset, England.